Best practices for cyclists

The urban cyclist’s charter

Reminder of the essential principles when riding a bicycle…

  • Respect the Highway Code.
  • Visibility: if you ride your bicycle at night, don’t forget to wear reflector strips, use lights and wear light coloured clothing.
  • It is recommended that you wear a helmet.
  • Make sure your bicycle is in good condition.
  • In any case, courtesy is the rule.

In town, bicycles can use:

  • cycle paths and lanes,
  • bus lanes, provided they are two-way,
  • standard streets and roads,
  • pedestrian zones, provided you adapt your speed: pedestrians always have priority,
  • one-way and two-way streets with 30 km/h limitation.


Two-way and cyclist right turn: proper use

Introduced via new regulations to the French Highway Code, the generalisation of two-way use for bicycles on one-ways streets with 30 km/h limitation for cars and the creation of “co-user zones” (that can be used by cars, bicycles and pedestrians, and limited to 20 km/h) has improved continuity for bicycle transportation.
In order to encourage the use of bicycles, the Annecy urban area has introduced counter-traffic lanes for cyclists. This new possibility is signalled via markings on the road surface as well as with road sign panels.

Sens Interdit sauf vélo
Two-way for cyclists: this is a street that is one-way for motor vehicles, but that bicycles can use in both directions. When using such streets, cyclists must yield priority to pedestrians and car drivers must be extra careful.


Tourne à droite

Right-turn for cyclists: bicycle users can turn right when the lights are red, provided they give priority to other users (pedestrians and other users for who the light is green)



It this road sign is NOT present, cyclists must respect the traffic lights!

Please remember that pavements (sidewalks) are reserved for pedestrians (only children under 8 years old can ride their bicycles on these surfaces, and should pay attention to other users).